The need to program in C | C Progressive

Starting the online course C Programming, this paper aims to clarify the initial doubts:

- How to start programming in C?
- What should I download to program in C?
- Where will compile and run my C programs?

Programs Needed

- Compiler
- Debugger
- Text Editor

You will write your programming code in C any text editor and the compiler will use.
The compiler converts your code to machine code (code that understands only the machine to run on your computer) and the debugger is debugging, ie it checks for errors in your code.

But do it all manually is a lot of work. Is there a program that does it all alone.
Is the IDE, Integrated Development Environment, or the integrated development environment.
Let's make two IDE, Dev-C + + and Code :: Blocks.

Do not use Dev-C + +

This is the most used and indicated in colleges. But if it is the most widely used and recommended, by the way C does not indicate Progressive?

Because it is obsolete! He used to be good, and so it was very suitable.


But continued to use and recommend, especially for beginners.
However, as you advance, it will be bad and VERY outdated and will harm you!

Use the Code :: Blocks

See the reasons for the Code :: Blocks is better and more suitable for beginners:
- Free
- Open source (you can see its source code, as was done)
- Cross Platform (runs on various platforms such as Windows and Linux)
- Is updated
- Is in development
- You can expand its functionality via plugins
- Is light, especially if purchased with Microsoft Visual Studio

Screenshots of Code :: Blocks:

C Progressivo - Como começar a programar em C, instalar o Code Blocks

C Progressivo - Como começar a programar em C, instalar o Code Blocks

Why we use the Code :: Blocks in C Programming course

As the Code Blocks, The C Programming course is free. So we will not support piracy or the use of paid software.

Getting Started: downloading the required

Installing Code :: Blocks, you already have the debugger, compiler and editor.
That's right. No need to download anything, just the IDE.
In writing the code, Code Blocks now automatically organizes and when we put our code to run the program, it will show us where the errors are.
Where there is error, the program will run directly from Code :: Blocks.

So without wasting time, download the program.
The program's website is:

Navigate to the download section and choose your platform, Windows, Linux or Mac OS X:

There are no secrets in the installation.

And voila, you're ready to start programming in C with the online course C Site C Progressive.

Welcome to the C programming language, the language most used in the world.